November 20

A Thanksgiving Tale of Four Personalities


Ah, Thanksgiving – that glorious time of the year when families gather around a table laden with turkey, stuffing, and lots of unique personalities. As you gather this year, remember to be aware and tolerant of the four DiSC personality styles bound to show up at each family holiday.

Let’s start with the Dominant (D) personalities – the alpha wolves of the family pack. You can spot them by the way they carve the turkey like a ninja assassin, declaring, “This is MY moment, and I’ll cut this bird however I please.” Forget about offering them a helping hand – they’d rather wrestle the turkey to the ground with their bare hands than admit they need assistance. So, if Uncle Dom starts eyeballing the carving knife like it’s a weapon in a Tarantino movie, just step back and let him do his thing. It’s our treat for inviting dominance to the dinner table.

Now, onto the Influencer (I) personality – the extroverts who turn every family gathering into a one-person variety show. Aunt Tina, the quintessential Influencer, will regale you with tales of her latest adventures, all while balancing multiple plates of mashed potatoes. And let’s not forget Grandpa Joe who will attempt his magic tricks after a couple of glasses of spiked cider. Influencers thrive on attention, so be prepared to clap, laugh, and make sure they don’t trip over the elderly family dog.

Moving on to the Steadiness (S) personalities – the calm and collected individuals who keep the ship afloat. Grandma Betty, the epitome of Stability, will spend hours preparing the perfect Thanksgiving feast, ensuring that every dish is served at the optimal temperature. Don’t even think about suggesting a change to the menu – she has been planning this meal since last Thanksgiving, and she will not be swayed by your trendy ideas about vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, flavor-free options.

Last but not least, we have the Conscientious (C) personalities – the detail-oriented perfectionists who turn Thanksgiving into a military operation. Cousin Carol, with her spreadsheets and color-coded seating arrangements, will make sure that every napkin is perfectly folded and every fork is precisely 1.5 inches from the plate. Whatever you do, don’t accidentally use the salad fork for your mashed potatoes – you might trigger a family-wide meltdown.

In conclusion, Thanksgiving with the DiSC-tracted is an adventure like no other. So, whether you’re dodging flying turkey bits from a Dominant carver, clapping at an Influencer’s impromptu performance, silently appreciating Grandma’s steadfast commitment to tradition, or nervously double-checking your utensil choices under the watchful eye of Cousin Conscientious, just remember – it’s all part of the family magic. Cheers to surviving another year of DiSC-harmony at the Thanksgiving table!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at The Beckley Group!


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